Glorious English Medium School was launched in 1994. English is the primary medium of instruction for this school and the student teacher ratio is 31:1. The school tries to provide best learning environment.
Classes from 1 to 10 run in this school. This school’s student strength is approximately 508. It has a library as well with over 2550 books.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. 100% from this school qualified the examination and out of those, 26% scored first grade with flying colors.
Institute facilitates for inspiration, innovation, technology, diversity, sustainability and community life to every child with child friendly elements and environment. Provides a good schooling facilities with computer lab, language lab, mathematics lab, science lab, sports rooms, library, e-library, conference hall, well equipped classrooms, playground for outdoor and indoor games, hostel facilities, day boarding facilities etc.
Teacher’s empowerment is a part of day to day activities to make the class practical, lively, joyful and scientific where children developed the skill like creative thinking, critical thinking, problem solving abilities, cooperative learning, collaborative learning etc. Student’s holistic development is our top priority, so in addition to curricular activities institute conducts co-scholastic activities like dance, music, song, quiz, debate, essay, yoga and different cultural activities as per the need of the day. We firmly believe in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately the world.
Glorious English Medium Senior Secondary School stands for Schooling for Global Citizen with Indian Culture, Tradition and Values.

Our amazing teachers work hard to create an exceptional learning environment for our students. As a result, our school has been recognized at the state and national levels as being an example of not just excellent teaching, learning.

Our children represent our hopes and dreams. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face future challenges.

I am really honoured and feel very privileged to function as the Principal of Glorious English Medium Senior Secondary School.We, at Glorious English Medium Senior Secondary School, ensure high quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and the productive members of the society.